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1   /*
2    * This file is part of hyphenType. hyphenType is free software: you can
3    * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
4    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
5    * License, or (at your option) any later version. hyphenType is distributed in
6    * the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
8    * the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
9    * copy of the GNU General Public License along with hyphenType. If not, see
10   * <>.
11   */
12  package org.hyphenType.datastructure.annotations;
14  import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
15  import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
16  import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
17  import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
18  import java.lang.annotation.Target;
20  import org.hyphenType.documentation.lib.StandardFormatterEngine.StandardFormatter;
21  import org.hyphenType.exit.CanonicalExitCode;
22  import org.hyphenType.exit.StatusCode;
24  /**
25   * @author Aurelio Akira M. Matsui
26   */
27  @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
28  @Target(ElementType.TYPE)
29  public @interface ArgumentsObject {
31      /**
32       * Default encoding for the resource bundles.
33       */
34      String DEFAULT_RB_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
35      /**
36       * Default single hyphen.
37       */
38      String DEFAULT_SINGLE_HYPHEN = "-";
39      /**
40       * Default double hyphen.
41       */
42      String DEFAULT_DOUBLE_HYPHEN = "--";
43      /**
44       * Default equals string.
45       */
46      String DEFAULT_EQUALS = "=";
48      /**
49       * The path to find the resource bundles containing the documentation. If
50       * this property is empty, will search for the resource bundles in the same
51       * package as the arguments object interface is. Paths are directly
52       * forwarded to {@link ResourceBundle#getBundle(String)}, and therefore,
53       * should be fully qualified names pointing to a set of property files. This
54       * property is useful when the same set of resource bundles are shared
55       * between several classes.<br>
56       * <br>
57       * If the value of this property is the empty string (the default value),
58       * the fully qualified name of the options interface will be used instead.
59       * In other words, if the options interface is <code>a.b.C</code>, and if
60       * this property is an empty string, then files such as
61       * <code></code>, <code></code>, etc...
62       * (in other words, the files /a/b/ and /a/b/
63       * where / is the root of the JAR file) will be used.<br>
64       * <br>
65       * See {@link ResourceBundle#getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader)}
66       * for more information.
67       * 
68       * @see ResourceBundle#getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader
69       *      loader)
70       */
71      String resourceBundlesLocation() default "";
73      /**
74       * Configures which encoding will be used to read resource bundle files.
75       */
76      String resourceBundlesEncoding() default DEFAULT_RB_ENCODING;
78      /**
79       * Documentation of the options interface. This documentation is overridden
80       * by data from resource bundles, if present.
81       */
82      String description() default "";
84      /**
85       * Whether long options (those with more than one character) will
86       * automatically receive two hyphens.
87       */
88      boolean doubleHyphenInLongOptions() default true;
90      /**
91       * The string that will be used as the single hyphen. A single hyphen is the
92       * prefix for single character options. A single hyphen is used not only to
93       * mark the start of an option whose name is a single character (e.g.: "-n"
94       * for an option named "n"), but also to start a cluster of single character
95       * options (e.g.: "-xcvf" which is short for "-x -c -v -f").
96       */
97      String singleHyphen() default DEFAULT_SINGLE_HYPHEN;
99      /**
100      * 
101      */
102     String doubleHyphen() default DEFAULT_DOUBLE_HYPHEN;
104     /**
105      * The string that will be used as the equals sign. In other words, the
106      * symbol that will be used to separate keys from values.
107      */
108     String equals() default DEFAULT_EQUALS;
110     /**
111      * The class that will format the documentation. The formatter class will
112      * be used when the following methods are called:
113      * <ul>
114      * <li>{@link Options#printDocumentation()}</li>
115      * <li>{@link Options#printDocumentation(}</li>
116      * </ul>
117      * Which are mapped by {@link ArgumentsInvocationHandler} to these methods:
118      * <ul>
119      * <li>{@link DocumentationFormatterEngine#printDocumentation()}</li>
120      * <li>
121      * {@link DocumentationFormatterEngine#printDocumentation(}
122      * </li>
123      * </ul>
124      */
125     Class<? extends Annotation> preferredDocumentationFormatter() default StandardFormatter.class;
127     /**
128      * The status code enumeration for this arguments object.
129      */
130     Class<? extends StatusCode> statusCodeEnum() default CanonicalExitCode.class;
132     /**
133      * Sets whether or not calls to {@link Options#printDocumentation()}, or
134      * {@link Options#printDocumentation(} should generate
135      * documentation for status codes. The standard interpretation for status
136      * codes is that a zero means a successful program termination while any
137      * non-zero number is a unique error code. A caller program or shell could
138      * then read this error code and act accordingly, or show a custom message
139      * to a user.<br>
140      * <br>
141      * Nevertheless, there are cases in which status codes are not important.<br>
142      * <br>
143      * Status codes may be simply ignored by programmers (perhaps because they
144      * simply return zero despite of what happened during program execution).
145      * Finally, status codes may be used to return some numerical value
146      * (although this is considered a violation of the convention). In all these
147      * cases above, the programmer may chose to simply omit information about
148      * status codes from his/her documentation. This flags allows the programmer
149      * to do so, although the actual behavior of this flag will depend upon the
150      * implementation of {@link DocumentationFormatterEngine} in use.
151      * 
152      * @see ArgumentsObject#statusCodeEnum()
153      * @see ArgumentsObject#preferredDocumentationFormatter()
154      */
155     boolean documentStatusCodes() default false;
156 }