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hyphenType Read each of the documents in the path:

Overview > Obtaining JAR > Options Interfaces > Main Class > Documentation Formatters > Validators > Unit Testing

This path is always visible at the top of each page, as bread crumbs.


How do I know if hyphenType is for me?

If you answer 'yes' to all of the following questions, we recommend you using hyphenType. If you answered 'no' or 'maybe', you can try using hyphenType along with other tools to solve your problem:

  1. Do you need to parse command line input in Java or any other JVM language?
  2. Do you need to parse user input that looks like shell/prompt command calls? (something like: ls -lah, or tar -zxvf)
  3. The user input you will parse can be modeled by a simple grammar in which root elements are options (such as --verbose) and plain arguments (such as file.tar)?
  4. Do you want to delegate parsing to a tool instead of doing it in your main class?


Is hyphenType a tool to replace "String[] args" in "public static void main(String[] args)"?

Yes, but not only this. If you need to read textual arguments in a stand alone application, hyphenType can help you. But hyphenType can also be used if you have any sort of textual interface. Even if text is typed interactively in a graphical interface.

Obviously, that is not the case for 99.99999% of graphical applications. But hyphenType can be of some use to parse textual interactions for the other 100% - 99.99999%.


I need to parse command lines that are really complex. It seems that hyphenType can only help me on simple situations.

As with any tool, there are limitations. hyphenType can only parse command line strings that fit to its simple model. We've tried to make the model as expandable as possible, but this effort would lead us to ultimately create a complete parsing tool.

Let's consider an complex example to understand what we mean. Suppose we want to create a command line application that will receive any sentence in English and answer to questions.

java ai.hall9000.PsychoTherapist What is the meaning of life?

In the example above, hyphenType cannot do anything useful, since the difficulty relies solely on processing the text and making sense of it.

Naturally, we would need to be able to recognize verbs, nouns and other elements in the sentence. This is clearly a huge problem, AFAIK not completely solved yet. What hypenType can do is simply to group the elements of your command line to let you do the rest:

java ai.hall9000.PsychoTherapist --question What is the meaning of life? --expect-answer=false

Here the situation is different since hyphenType has something to contribute. It can give you the question ("What is...") and the flag (false) as separated structures. Each one available through its own getter method.

Obviously, hyphenType cannot check grammar mistakes in English, but it can check if "false" is a valid value for a boolean or not.

Think of hyphenType as just a thin presentation layer for a stand alone application. The same way you can't expect HTML to sort a list, you can't expect hyphenType to do complex parsing.


Can I still unit test my application?

Yes. There are two things we can test when we talk about unit tests and parsing from the command line:

  1. Testing how we parse - To check whether a certain input will be parsed the way we want. In other words, to test if the options interface we designed is working fine or not.
  2. Testing the application that receives the parsed input - To check whether the application that we are writing and that is utilizing hyphenType to get command line input is working fine or not.

Please check ______ for details.


Advanced topics

How to write my own documentation formatter?

Basically, you need to create a class that extends DocumentationFormatterEngine. Please check ____.


Creative questions

Is hyphenType a parsing tool?

The simple answer is simply NO. But hyphenType has a rudimentary lexer and parser that will only identify things that can be transformed into the data structure of a valid options interface. This parser will try to ignore everything unexpected. But don't worry about ignored elements, since they can all be accessed via the unparsedArguments() method.


Since hyphenType is not a parsing tool, can you recommend me a good one?

I am very glad you asked this question. In fact, I do have an extremely good one to recommend. I've been using ANTLR with great success for already some time: ANTLR Parser Generator.

If you want to use ANTLR, you will need to write a grammar and use ANTLR to generate a parser and a lexer. Parsers and lexers are software components (Java classes, in my case). Looks like a lot of trouble to parse a simple command line? If your answer is yes, then we recommend you to see if hyphenType can solve your problem. If you think you need something more sophisticated, then probably ANTLR is the way to go.


Why not using an actually flexible parsing tool instead of hyphenType? What can hyphenType offer me that a parser cannot? Why not using a good parser such as ANTLR?

The simple answer is: speed. Your source code writing speed. To make a long story short, hyphenType is an implementation of a simple grammar to parse command line text. If you do not want to use hyphenType, you will need to write your own parser, which takes time.

hyphenType provides command line parsing that does not require you to write a grammar, understand EBNF syntax, understand how to generate grammars, etc.

Besides, as hyphenType was specifically designed for parsing command line arguments, it provides some accessory tools that aims at solving some recurring problems such as generation of help strings, issuing error codes, and stand alone application unit testing.

If the very simple grammar of hyphenType cannot parse something you need to parse, we recommend you to try using another tool.

If you need a complex parser, please check this question.


You frequently mention the grammar of hyphenType. Can I take a look at this grammar?

There is no single grammar, but instead, a family of grammars. hyphenType is a tool that allows programmers to define their own grammars. Here we do not want to go into theoretical details on what a grammar generator looks like. Instead, we will show the grammar of a certain options interface:

interface X extends Options {
	boolean a();
	String aValue();

	boolean b();
	String c();

At follows is the equivalent grammar for the parser.

commandLine := optionToken* (argumentToken)1 optionToken*
optionToken := HYPHEN (optionName)+ | HYPHEN OPTION_A EQUALS argumentToken
optionName := OPTION_A | OPTION_B
argumentToken := STRING
OPTION_A := 'a'
OPTION_B := 'b'
STRING := // Same as Java string
EQUALS := '='

* is the Kleene star, meaning zero or more. +, the Kleene plus, stands for one or more. 1 stands for zero or one. The grammar above will accept any of the following:

-a argument
-a argument -b
-b argument -a=aValue
-ab -ab

By comparing the options interface and the grammar, we believe the options interface is easier to understand by Java programmers.


Can I define option names that depend on the language?


Why not?

Because we think this is a terrible idea. If you release your command line interface and your project is successful, you will soon see your project become the object of discussion on forums on the Internet. Everyone wants their project to reach such momentum.

If you translate your options to each supported language, you are basically creating noise and confusion between users. Besides, there is no great gain on having -o to mean "open" in English and -a to mean "open" in Japanese. Why would anyone want that?

Someone had the awful idea of translating shortcuts of a popular text editor in the Portuguese version. The result is Control+S meaning "underline" instead of "save", among other examples.

But what if I really want this? What if I simply create resource bundles that translate the names of options in one of the locales? Will that work?

The answer is: we do not know. The system was not designed for this purpose. If you insist on using options like that and if you are successful, go ahead but consider your solution a hack, not a feature.

Sorry, but I really need to do this. My customer wants it, even after I presented your arguments to him. Can you recommend me a way out?

Well, if this is not avoidable, you can try to creating one option interface for each supported locale and use the OptionExtractor explicitly.

public static void main(String[] arguments) {
    if(/*Locale is ja_JP*/) {
        OptionsExtractor<MyJapaneseOptionInterface> oe =
        new OptionsExtractor<MyJapaneseOptionInterface>(MyJapaneseOptionInterface.class);
        MyJapaneseOptionInterface options = oe.options(arguments);
    } else if(/*Locale is ancient Egyptian*/) {
        // Do the same for ancient Egyptian.
    } else {
        // Do the same for the default locale.

The code above is not a hack, but will take a lot of your time to provide support for several locales.


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