Interface StatusCode

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StatusCode

Status code enumerations. Enumerations that implement this interface can be used as status codes, which are arguments for the method Options#exit(Enum).

!ATTENTION! Enum.ordinal() is used as the status code, when the method System.exit(int) is called. Meaning, the first enumeration constant should necessarily mean successful program execution, since its ordinal will be zero.

Aurelio Akira M. Matsui

Method Summary
 void beforeExit(ExitStatusHelper helper)
          A call back method that is invoked by the method Options#exit(Enum) right before attempting to terminate the VM.

Method Detail


void beforeExit(ExitStatusHelper helper)
A call back method that is invoked by the method Options#exit(Enum) right before attempting to terminate the VM. This method can be used to output custom message to the console, for instance.
This method is similar to a Runtime.addShutdownHook(Thread). The main difference is that this method will be called on the enumeration constant related to the exit status.

helper - A helper object that gives access to some utility methods.

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